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Heavy Duty Cargo Nets - WLL 1500 lbs.

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Heavy Duty Cargo Nets

Looking for a Cargo Net? The Gladiator Cargo Net may be exactly what you are looking for.

Here are some of the key features that sets Gladiator's products apart from simular products.

Cargo Net is constructed for heavy duty use.
Durable - high strength, weatherproofed materials.
Integrated webbing and mesh prevents snags and secures small objects.
Certified Product (BMP) - Load Rated up to 1,500 lbs (WLL)
Includes four attachment hardware straps and a storage bag.
Easy to use and install in a fraction of the time as simular products.

Northgate Cargo Control has these sizes In-Stock and ready to ship!

Available Sizes:

Small 4.75' x 6' ft (57" x 72" in) Fits Short Size Truck Beds
Medium 6.75' X 8' ft (81" x 96") Fits Standard Size Truck Beds
Large 8.75' X 10' ft (105" x 120") Fits Extended Size Truck Beds
X-Large+ 12' x 14' ft (144" x 168") Fits Oversized Truck Beds and Box Trailers